Saturday, January 30, 2010

8 Weeks

This weekend I am 8 weeks. I haven't had any morning sickness yet! I have been eating a little more then normal but I have only gained about 3 pounds so far. I have been craving ice cream sandwiches and milk. :) So I'm sure the pounds will go up soon enough. I took my blood pressure today and it was 90/56 - perfect for my size. I have been a little tired and have had some headaches but otherwise I'm feeling good.

This weekend we also had our first snowstorm of the winter in NC.  Todd was away in MN for work so I stay with my parents.  We ordered pizza and rented a movie - Father of the Bride 2.  We love the father of the bride movies and this was perfect to watch.  It's the movie where she is pregnant.  We had a fun time watching it!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Baby Gifts

Todd's Parents sent us a beauitful flower arrangement! What a surprise! I love the little teddy bear on the side. It's so cute!

Dana & Pete got us a cute basket with a whole bunch of gifts inside - pregnancy magazines, a pregnancy calendar and journal, a photo book for my ultrasound pictures, a tummy sleeve, tummy butter, preggie pop drops, and few more things. I have already used half the stuff in there! I love it!

My parents got us a Willow Tree. Its a pregnant woman holding her belly and the card says: Cherish - Awaiting a Miracle. This is where I got the idea for my blog title. It sums up pregnancy in three little words!

Christine and Andrew got us burp cloths and a CD called Lullabies for Baby.  I know we'll get good use out of the burp cloths once the baby is here and I can't wait to listen to the lullabies.  I'm sure the baby will love the lullabies!

Thank you everyone for the gifts!!!

My First Baby Purchase

As soon as I got home from our ultrasound I couldn't wait to go out and buy something for the pregnancy. I went to Barnes and Nobles to get a name book. I saw this book and had to get it because I loved the picture of the baby on the front! We already have a few names in mind.

First Ultrasound :)

On Friday, January 22nd we had our first ultrasound. The doctor said everything looked great. The size was exactly what it should be - 7 weeks! It didn't feel real until we actually saw a little bean in there with a heartbeat! It really was such an exciting and special moment for us!


So....after trying for over a year we are FINALLY pregnant! It's been a tough year for us but I know it will all be worth it in the end. We are so excited and can't wait for all the planning that is ahead of us. I found out I was pregnant on 12/31/09 - NEW YEARS EVE!!!! What a great way to end the year! We celebrated by going to a New Year's Eve party that was a tacky sweater party. Of course I couldn't drink :( but we had a great time!