Thursday, March 4, 2010

12 Weeks!

Last Thursday, Feburary 25th I was offically 12 weeks!  I am finally in my second trimester! 

To sum up my 1st trimester:

- I have gained a total of 5 pounds.  I have been trying to eat every 2 hours and drink plenty of water.  I have cereal every morning and drink a BIG glass of milk before I go to bed.  I have a salad everyday and try to have 3 fruits and veggies a day.  My biggest craving was diary - specifically milk and dairy queen vanilla ice cream on a cone!

- I had no morning sickness!  I didn't throw up once!  I had a few headaches and felt tired in the beginning.  I feel bloated just about everyday and I feel really uncomfortable right after I eat.  Probably because i don't have a lot of room in there.  I've been having trouble sleeping because I normally sleep on my stomach so the last two months I have been trying to sleep in a different position.  And I know it's just going to get worse!

- Emotionally I have been feeling fine.  I haven't noticed any big change in my personality but if you ask todd and my parents they might not agree.  The only thing I've noticed different is that I get easily annoyed - especially at work.  I haven't had any problem telling my boss what's on my mind and what's been bothering me for the past year and a half.  I feel bad about that but hey it got me a raise!  I even got my own office because of some paint fumes by my old desk. :)

Here is a picture of me at 12 weeks!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the blog!!! You are very good at writing your story and telling us what's going on!! Enjoy pregnancy - - I am so excited for you guys!!!!
