Thursday, December 30, 2010

4 Months Old

Parker had his 4 month checkup on Tuesday.  He got two shots and he did a lot better then i thought he would.  He didn't cry with the first one but then he cried with the second because that's the one that burns.  He only cried for a few seconds and then he was fine.  He was such a good boy!  He was a little fussy later that day because i'm sure his leg was sore.  His head felt a little warm so we gave him baby tylenol.  He did great sleeping through the night - a lot better than his 2 month old shots!  Here's a picture of him after his shots - look how cute his bandaids are!


Here are some 4 month old stats:

- weighs exactly 12 lbs (5th percentile)

- lenght is 23.5 inches (5th percentile)

- head circumference (50th percentile)

- when he is on his back he brings his hands together to put them in his mouth or to hold a toy
- he reaches for toys on his back and when sitting up

- brings his legs up and rolls onto his side

- he loves standing on his legs (with help)

- wiggles out of bouncy chair

- turns in circle while on his back

- found his voice and loves to use it

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